Even though they’re primarily paying with cards, millennials still prefer the feel of metal between their fingers
Young German adults (millennials) protesting youth unemployment in 2014. Photo by Claus Ableiter. On April 23, 2018, an article by payments risk expert Douglas A. King revealed some shocking insight into the transaction habits of millennials, which Pew Research defines as an individual born between 1981 and 1996 (me). In a departure from the typical narrative, none of the eight millennials that participated in the panel currently live with their parents and all hold full-time positions (also me). While King is careful to note that a sample size of eight is nowhere near enough to draw conclusions about the general trend of millennial spending behaviors, he was nevertheless taken aback by some of the surprising responses that he received from the participants. While only one of the eight participants primarily relied on cash as their chosen form of payment, all of the participants showed a strong preference for metal cards, suggesting that plastic credit cards might be on their way o...